Rules & Regulations
At our school, we prioritize creating a safe, respectful, and productive learning environment for all students. Our rules and regulations are designed to support academic excellence, foster positive behavior, and ensure the well-being of our school community.
1. Respect and Conduct:
Students are expected to treat all members of the school community—peers, teachers, and staff—with respect and kindness. This includes using appropriate language, listening attentively, and practicing good manners.
2. Attendance and Punctuality:
Regular attendance and punctuality are essential for academic success. Students are required to attend all scheduled classes and arrive on time. Absences and tardiness should be communicated to the school in advance, with valid reasons provided.
3. Dress Code:
Our dress code promotes a professional and distraction-free learning environment. Students should wear appropriate attire as outlined in the school handbook. This includes guidelines on uniform standards, grooming, and personal appearance.
4. Academic Integrity:
Honesty and integrity are fundamental to our educational values. Students must complete their own work and avoid any form of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and cheating.
5.Safety and Security:
For the safety of everyone, students must follow all safety protocols, including emergency procedures and rules regarding the use of school facilities. This includes no running in hallways, proper use of equipment, and adherence to campus security measures.
6. Technology Use:
Technology is an integral part of our learning environment. Students are expected to use computers, tablets, and other devices responsibly and in accordance with our Acceptable Use Policy. This includes respecting digital privacy and avoiding inappropriate content.
7. Respect for Property:
Students should take care of school property and the property of others. Any damage or loss should be reported immediately. Respecting communal spaces and keeping personal belongings organized are also important.
8. Disciplinary Procedures:
Failure to adhere to these rules may result in disciplinary actions. We follow a fair and consistent approach to address any violations, with the aim of correcting behavior and supporting students in making positive changes.
Our aim is to maintain an environment where every student can learn and grow to their fullest potential. We appreciate the cooperation of students and parents in upholding these standards and contributing to our school’s positive atmosphere.